
In Orthopedics GRMI ( Rajasthan Hospitals ) specialists offer comprehensive care in all areas of orthopedics, including Trauma Centre with adjacent minor O.T, sports injuries, hand, foot, Ligament Repair & Reconstruction. Our surgeons combine surgical expertise with pioneering clinical and basic research in areas such as stimulation of bone and tissue repair, The surgeries are done by qualified and experienced surgeons in Laminar air flow modular operation theatre equipped with state of art equipment and instruments.

GRMI Orthopedics stands out in providing the best and timely treatment in the fields of pediatric orthopedics, common and rare injuries to the neck, spine, hip joints, spine and disc problems.

We have the best comprehensive orthopedic care treatment at GRMI

Meet Our Doctors


Dr. Nitin Goswami

M.S (Orthopaedic)

Dr. Anand Chandak

M.S (Orthopedics)

Dr. Kuldeep Nahar

M.S ( Ortho )

Dr. Kushal Shah